Dr. Ranjeeta Kumari
CFSL, CBI, New Delhi
Senior Scientific Officer (Forensic Psychology)
Dr. Ranjeeta Kumari
Dr. Ranjeeta Kumari is currently working as Senior Scientific Officer, Gr.-I in Forensic Psychology Division, CFSL, CBI, New Delhi. Prior to this, she worked as Senior Scientific Officer Gr.-II in the Forensic Psychology Division, CFSL, CBI, New Delhi. She has also served as Counselor in Bihar State AIDS Control Society (NACO). She has completed her Ph.D. in Psychology from Patna University, Patna. She has obtained MBA in Human Resource Management from Periyar University, Salem and MA in Psychology from Patna University, Patna. She has completed her BA(Hons.) in Psychology from Patna University, Patna. In addition to this, she has obtained a PG Diploma in Clinical Psychology and Advanced Diploma in Computer Science. She has scientifically examined and furnished opinion on more than 900 subjects in cases referred by Central Bureau of Investigation, NIA, Delhi Police, Maharashtra Police and other Law enforcement Agencies. She has delivered Lectures to the visitors/ trainees to CFSL and participants of various course conducted by the following Organization, such as CDTS, Intelligence of Bureau, CBI Academy Ghaziabad, N.I.C.F.S, BPR&D, NIA, Delhi Police Personnel at Special Training Centre, newly recruited officers from state laboratories and UG/PG students from different Universities. She has published numerous research papers in various National and International journals.