Dr. Bharti Mehta
Psychology Gym & CosmeClinic, Pune
Dr. Bharti Mehta
Dr. Bharti Mehta is an experienced Psychologist with a demonstrated history of providing Mental Health Support for a variety of psychological issues since 1989. She is a skilled Sujok therapist with proven experience in handling mental as well as physical pains of an individual. Her vision is to imply pain-free treatments to individuals at my contemporary setup called Psychology Gym & CosmeClinic in Pune. She has successfully worked with couples, helping them to resolve their pre & post-marital behavioral issues. Alongside this, she has also dealt with professionals to bring work-life balance & harmony in their lives. She believes in working on the root cause, from an individual's past including their habits, their thought process, their belief system, the environment in which they were brought up in, physical pains, mental issues like fear, anxiety, stress, frustration, self-cancellation, humiliation, introversion, inferiority, sleepless nights, OCD, phobia's, dreams, decision-making abilities, sadness, depression, and suicidal tendencies. She has conducted several sessions on Stress Management and wellbeing for several corporates and medium scaled organizations.