Quiz On

Disaster Victim Identification

Quiz 21 : Disaster Victim Identification

Investigating Mass Casualty Incidents

Disaster Victim Identification or DVI is the method used to identify victims of mass casualty incidents such as aircraft crashes or the bomb blasts in Bali. The process can be long and involved due the nature of the event and the need to correctly identify the victim.

The risk of mis-identification of an individual can bring into question all identifications and heighten the trauma of what is an already stressful situation.Mass disasters can be natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods or bush fires, or man‐made incidents like transportation (airline, train) accidents, terrorist attacks and war. Mass fatality events with victims from more than one country require international cooperation of local forensic experts and national and international agencies. In most countries that follow Interpol standards, mass fatality response is primarily a police function. 


September 2020



The organizing body incorporates all the enthusiasts who work proficiently putting their sterling efforts in order to take the field to new heights.


Dr. Ranjeet Kr Singh

Managing Director


Niharika Mishra

Managing Director


Afreen Tarannum

Senior Scientific Officer


Here are a few glimpses of our recently conducted event. Have a look!


Write Your Feedback

It’s always a pleasure to pay attention on what our learners and participants says which always motivates us to work for a good cause & thereby reach the heights of excellence!

The experience was good & I am expecting more quizzes from different topics. I am eager to participate in more interesting topics in the future.


Arathi Purushothaman

Srinivas Institute of Medical Science & Research Centre

Excellent and more informative quiz  organized by the team. Looking forward to more such new inquisitive quiz. 


Dr.Thousif Ahamed

Govt Stanley Medical College

Excellent, and very informative. I would very much like to be a part of more such quiz about different  topics. 


Balaji N DR

Stanley Medical College Chennai

It was a great quiz and I greatly benefitted from this. Kudos to the organization.  Keep up the good work.


Kothuri Upendra Kumar

Lovely Professional University

The quiz was excellent and informative. It is a great initiative to organize such quiz for students to keep us on our toes.


Umul Hasanath Begam

Madras Medical College

This was an informative quiz and I enjoyed answering the questions in the quiz. 


Sahiba Lall

Lovely Professional University

Great work. Keep going. An archive of all the answers made accessible after the completion of the quiz would be helpful. Thank you.


Dr. Anuja P

Private Practitioner

Very educative quiz with reference to the current changes in technology. I enjoyed participating in this quiz. 


Moffat Omari Otani

National Police Service.

The quiz questions were informative and I got to learn new things about identification in cases of mass disaster. 


Ravi Das Mahant

The ICFAI University Raipur

All the questions were accurate and I was extremely pleased to participate in this quiz. 


Priyank Sharma

Shriram Transport Finance Co Ltd