Spectrometric Analysis of Evid...

Spectrometric Analysis of Evidence

Spectrometric Analysis of Evidence Quiz Crafted By-

Saddam Hussain

Scientific Officer

Sherlock Institute of Forensic Science India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi

Introduction to Spectrometric Analysis of Evidence

Spectroscopy has proven to be a non-destructive method for successfully analyzing different bodily fluids as well as other types of forensic materials such as drugs or fingerprints. This allows the evidence to be tested while still preserving it. It also utilizes portable instrumentation making it easy to do the testing right at the location of a crime without even removing the evidence from the scene. Another advantage is that a specimen does not require any preparation to be evaluated by a spectrophotometer. In order to identify samples, such as type of body fluid, the spectrophotometer compares samples to data within a spectral library.

Let's look at the questions and their answer. 

Ques 1. A detector that can be used in visible Spectrophotometry is 

a) Ion Separator 

b) Quadruple Spectrometer

c) Photovoltaic Cell 

d) Magnetic Coils

Answer- c) Photovoltaic Cell 

Ques 2. Physical property on Spectrophotometry.

a) Absorption and Rotation of radiation

b) Absorption and Potential of radiation

c) Rotation and Emission of radiation

d) Absorption and Emission of radiation

Answer- a) Absorption and Emission of radiation 

Ques 3. The technique is good from the visible corner of the lubricating oil

a) FTIR Spectrographic 

b) IR Spectrographic

c) Mass Spectroscopy

d) Both (a) and (b)

Answer- a) FTIR Spectrographic

Ques 4. Which one is used to remove the pigment of paint

a) X-ray

b) IR Spectroscopy

c) Micro- Spectrophotometry

d) None of the above 

Answer- c) Micro- Spectrophotometry

Ques 5. Which one is used to access the components of paint in hit and run case

a) UV 

b) Fluorescent 

c) X-ray

d) IR                                                      

Answer-d) IR  

Ques 6. With the help of whom the trace evidence (lipstick, cigarette butts) can be shown

a)  Optical Light Microscopy

b) Atomic Force Microscopy

c) Scanning Electron Microscopy

d) Raman Spectroscopy

Answer- d) Raman Spectroscopy

Ques 7. Nernst glower is used as the radiation source in

a) Atomic Emission Spectroscopy

b) Infra-Red Spectrophotometer

c) Flame Ionization Spectrophotometer


Answer- b) Infra-Red Spectrophotometer

Ques 8. The microscope which is more suitable for studying the class characteristics of a tool mark is 

a)  Compound microscope

b) Stereo microscope

c) Polarizing microscope

d) Phase-contrast microscope

Answer- b) Stereo microscope

Ques 9. Examination of charred documents can be carried out by

a) Visible light

b) Infrared radiation

c) Oblique light

d) U-V fluorescence

Answer- b) Infrared radiation

Ques 10. Basic requirements of a Monochromator is/are

a) Resolution 

b) Spectral Range 

c) Dispersion 

d) All of the above 

Answer- d) All of the above

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